Fan Art!

Yesterday, as I picked up a student at his house for a driving session, I was presented a gift by his little sister.  She had drawn a picture of me with my car at an intersection, complete with traffic lights and stop signs.  I had her sign the drawing and wanted to share it with all of you.

Fan art by Sophia, age 8.
Fan art by Sophia, age 8.

As driving instructors, we don’t only impact our students.  If we’re doing it right, we should leave a lasting impression on family members, including parents and even younger siblings.  I love that this 8-year-old girl, at least for a few minutes, is thinking about traffic and driving.  I hope it’s a passion she keeps for the rest of her life, along with art.

Sophia, when you’re ready to start driving, we’ll count this gift toward your first lesson.

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