
Our goal at Modern Driver Institute is to train safe, defensive drivers.

Modern Driver Institute specializes in training novice drivers with autism, anxiety and learning differences.  Our approach is evidence-based – we take what is known to work in driver education, and combine it with what is known to work in the classroom with individuals with autism, anxiety and learning differences.

Our focus is on lifelong survival, not passing an arbitrary test.  We’re less concerned with whether you pass the driving test on the first or second try (hey, everybody can get nervous), and more concerned with how safely you drive over your first year.

Few driving schools follow their graduates to see how safe they are.  Modern Driver Institute follows its graduates more formally – by monitoring their driving records from the Department of Transportation.  

Our goal is for 100% of our students to go the first year following completion of training without a single crash or ticket.  Currently, 98.59% of our students continue driving after licensure without a single crash or ticket.   

We are not required by any agency, including the Department of Education, to track student performance following licensure, nor are we required to report our findings.  We do it because we feel this is the best measure of the quality of a school, and the quality of an instructor.  And we will continue tracking all of our graduates, and we will keep this number as accurate as possible.

Modern Driver Institute is beginning its seventh year of operation, and has trained hundreds of new drivers.  Over the next few months, we’ll be working on compiling statistical data about those students and their long-term outcomes as drivers.  Check back here periodically for updates.  There is a lot of data to analyze, and most of my time is still being used as an in-car instructor, so please be patient as I crunch the numbers.

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