Category Archives: Driving Anxiety

Lane Changes and Mirrors

Here is a question I received and answered on the now-defunct website

I recently got my drivers license that now allows me to drive alone. I’m still a bit nervous with certain things like changing lanes and left hand turns. When changing lanes how should the cars appear in my mirrors to let me know I have enough space without cutting them off? Someone told me if I can see their head lights in my rear mirror I have enough room, is this correct? I always check my blind spot as well but changing lanes really gives me bad nerves. Any advice is appreciated!

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How Can I Become A More Confident Driver?

Here is a question I received and answered on the now-defunct website

I got my drivers license at the end of June and I’m still a very nervous driver, I prefer to have someone in the car with me and I’m quite nervous to drive alone. I’m pretty nervous with changing lanes and left hand turns, although I’m getting a bit better with those things I would prefer to be fully confident. How long does it take to become a fully confident driver? I still find myself making mistakes and feeling badly about my driving skills because of it, for instance I was coming to a stop light and I didn’t realize how fast I was going and I had to stop a bit harder than usual, (mind you I’m more concious about that now) but the person in the car with me (who’s been driving for 45 years) yelled at me because of it and it really shook me up and upset me. What can I do to overcome this fear and anxiety with driving? Thank you in advance.

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Why Am I Nervous About Driving?

Here is a question I received and answered on the now-defunct website

How can I stop worrying about every little thing while driving? Every time I drive and hear any noise, I think that I might have hit something. How can I stop feeling this way?

Let’s start by asking the question, “Why are you worrying so much when you drive?” There could be a number of causes.  Let’s try the next three questions.

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